Using Neuroscience to Impact Education
Many parents and teachers find themselves dealing with children who struggle to learn in the classroom. While there are some modern-day factors that impact learning, such as technology, social media and diet, it is also important that educators and parents continue to update their methods and techniques based on research. Whether you enroll in neuroscience training or conduct some basic online research, you’ll find that understanding the brain better can, in turn, make you a more effective teacher.
Improve Listening Skills
Listening is not a natural ability, but a learned skill. Children who often struggle to follow directions or keep their facts straight may need to train the part of their brain the takes in and processes auditory information. Listening games and exercises that require the student to hear, hold on to and repeat information can help develop this area. Audiobooks are an easy and enjoyable way to help everyone improve their listening skills.
Train Students in Task Switching
Switching quickly from one topic or task to another is a challenge for many young children and is directly connected to brain activity. To help this become more natural for students, teachers can incorporate a variety of activities and applications within a lesson or subject. This can help keep students moving at a steady pace while reinforcing a topic in different learning styles. Parents can reinforce this brain training technique when supervising homework and study time at home.
Give Learners More Time to Think
Perhaps the most effective way to exercise a student’s brain is by giving them more think time to answer a tough question. Learn to get comfortable with awkward silences to allow more time for the brain to process the information it’s been given!
With a little research and intention, you can assist students in becoming more successful learners by helping them exercise their brain.