7 Common Cancers In Men And Women

A Guide to Their Symptoms, Investigations and Treatment

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Image showing cancers that occur in both sexes, the center ones being common for both and side ones for either one of them. Designed on Canva Pro

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You might think a cancer diagnosis is the worst thing that could happen to you. But for most people, it’s the best thing that could happen to them. A cancer diagnosis means you discovered your tumor early enough to get treatment and have a high probability of surviving the disease long-term.

Cancer is not just one condition but many different diseases that occur when cells begin growing uncontrollably and form tumors. These tumors are called “malignant” because they can invade and destroy other tissues nearby.

Recently I published an article on the basics of cancer. If you have not read it, you can read it here-

Cancer basics article


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A Good Lesson | Ahhmazingly Healthy

One day a teacher did an experiment on all of the Senior Class and told them to write their name of the balloon then toss it in the hallway. When everyone was done and with the hallway full of balloons, the teacher told all of the students to now look for their balloon with their name on it.

After 20 minutes, everyone was so frustrated as no one could find their own balloon so the teacher told them to grab one balloon and give it back to that person and within a minute or two everyone had their own balloons back in their hands.

The teacher was trying to prove a point that if we can all think and care more about the other person, instead of being self centered then we will be able to find more joy and happiness in life always instead of frustration and negativity.


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Home Gym Exercise Program | Ahhmazingly Healthy

woman in white shirt and leggings running on the concrete stairs

Anyone can achieve an incredible workout for weight loss or for increasing muscle strength just in the comfort of your own home without spending any money going to an expensive gym and have fun too! Make a Home Gym fit your desires of what you want to achieve for instance to increase with strength through exercises and flexibility through stretches.

Stretches should be done every day before you work out to warm up the muscles as well as after a work out for a cool down period for the muscles can relax and not go into shock and to avoid cramping.

Let’s say on Monday, you want to focus on legs and butt. Simple home exercise would be…-do squats 2-3 sets of 10, -do lunges 2-3 sets of 10, -do stair climbing up and down 5- 10 times, -do butt kicks and start on hands and knees position, bend knee

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