This is what you can do if you have doubts about being the biological father

Wealnes Article

Do you have a child with your partner or is she pregnant right now and do you wonder if you are the biological father? That is not a nice feeling to have. In order to obtain some peace of mind, there are some steps to follow.

This is what you can do if you have doubts about being the biological father

Talk to your partner

Maybe your partner really is carrying a secret. It will probably cause her a lot of stress and you pick that up. You might feel her stress and see through her lies. So, the only thing you can do, is to confront her. Just talk to her, preferably in a mature way. Maybe she did make a mistake. Or maybe there is something else that she doesn’t know how to tell you. Whatever it is, just talk to each other. Making assumptions doesn’t do you any good. It leads to jumping to conclusions that may not be accurate.

Possible outcomes

There are several possible outcomes to this conversation. She is telling you the truth about not having an affair and you believe her. Or she is telling you the truth about not having an affair and you do not believe her. Or she tells you that she did sleep with another man. Or she was hiding another secret and did not have the nerve to tell you yet. And last but not least, it could also be a story that was only in your mind. Whatever it is, listen to her. Every story has two sides. After you have had this conversation, there are several options you can do. But there is only one that will actually give you clarity. And that is performing a paternity test.

Performing a paternity test

If you are still in doubt if your partner is telling the truth, you could see if dna testing for paternity is an option for you. There are several ways how to do that. One option you can choose from is performing a home paternity test, which you can even do without sending any DNA from the mother. You order the home kit online and with one cheek swab of yourself and one of the child you will have accurate results. The answers will be sent via e-mail, so your partner doesn’t need to know about it. Of course, it would be better to be honest about it. In that way she will know who the actual father is as well. After you have the result, you can both move forward, either together or separately. Good luck!