5 Causes of Distended Stomach

Wealnes Article


The causes of distended stomach are very many, including habits that we are aware of and which are not realized.

We all know that a distended stomach is not a good sign for the body.

Keeping your body shape healthy and in accordance with the criteria is not easy. Need dedication, discipline, consistency and strong endurance.

As a result many people are reluctant to maintain abdominal circumference, and let the stomach become distended through unconscious habits.

Here are some of these bad habits:

  1. Eat late at night

While it’s true that the body naturally burns some fat deposits while we sleep, the body won’t burn efficiently if we sleep with a full stomach.

In addition to causing fat in the stomach, eating late at night and lying down after full can increase the risk of gastric acid reflux and digestive disorders.

This happens because of changes in gravity, so the body is unable to pull food in the stomach down.

To prevent this condition, consider eating a little food at night, and do not lie down for at least three hours after dinner.

If possible, eat some fruits if you feel a little hungry at night, rather than eating sweet foods.

  1. Eat when sad, angry or upset

Have you ever eaten unconsciously when you were emotional? If at other times you realize this kind of behavior, try to calm down before venturing by eating fast food, such as burgers, fried rice, or instant noodles.

Eating in times of emotion doesn’t matter if it can make you feel better, but if you always rely on eating every time you are stressed or angry, don’t be surprised if your fat deposits increase.

The best way to combat the response to stress is to drink a glass of water, and talk to a friend or take a leisurely walk to calm down.

Choose activities that do not involve eating, so you can stop yourself from having excess calories when you feel emotional.

  1. Not getting enough sleep

Ideally, adults get around seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

When we don’t get enough sleep, cortisol levels (stress hormones) will increase and encourage us to consume foods high in sugar.

To maintain the normal level of the stress hormone cortisol, try to get a good sleep each night.

In this way, we can balance cortisol levels while increasing the production of leptin (a hormone that can make us able to control appetite).

  1. Use a large plate every meal

Whether it’s eating a buffet or a regular dinner at home, pay attention to the size of your plate every meal.

In a survey conducted among obese people, it was found that large plate users tend to be fatter than small dishes.

With a large plate size, people will feel they still have plenty of room to put their food, so take more food.

Of course this can be a cause of distended stomach because people tend to consume more than the body needs. Therefore, choose a smaller plate to make us feel enough to eat.

  1. Smoking

How can it be a cause of distended stomachs? Though many people survive by smoking for reasons of fear of having a fat body.

In fact, research reveals that instead of a thin body, it is a distended stomach obtaine by smokers.

Scientists from the University of Glasgow found that smoking may be associate with lower overall weight, but it tends to push fat toward the core area of ​​the body, which causes the stomach to become bigger.