10 Signs Of Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

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What is Cancer?

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases in the world. It is a disease that starts when cells in your body begin to grow uncontrollably. These cells can then spread to other parts of your body through blood vessels or the lymphatic system.

As the cancer grows, it can affect nearby tissue and organs. The spread of cancer to other parts of the body is what your doctor calls as metastasis.

The term ‘cancer’ means a group of diseases that all affect the body’s cells in different ways.  There are many different types of cancer, but they usually start in the cells that line various parts of the body. Other cancer types can start in nearly any part of your body. 

Each type of cancer has its own unique features, but they all have something in common: they are uncontrolled growths of

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Let The Sunshine In | Ahhmazingly Healthy

person drawing smiling sun on sand

Ahhhh….the warmth of the sun…the happiness it brings….everyone needs to Let The Sunshine In!

So many of us stay indoors and forget how important it is to be outdoors and soak up the sun. Here are the many benefits: 1. It reduces stress therefore, can also reduce your blood pressure 2. Produces Serotonin which uplifts your mood and makes you happy so it can detour depression 3. Strengthens your immune system 4. Increases Vitamin D within us to improve good health and fight off illnesses such a Rickets Syndrome 5. Allows you to have a better night sleep with producing melatonin from your exposure to sunlight 6. It can help with various skin conditions such as scleroderma, atopic dermatitis, jaundice, eczema, psoriasis, and acne. 7. Improve your energy level 8. Sunlight can also trigger endorphins to feel good and relieve pain 9. Maintains strong bones 10. For lighter skin people

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The number cause of disability in America

One in every 5 adults is dealing with arthritis. This pain and stiffness can come in over 100 types. It is all about your joints which is where the bones connect. Think of your knees, hips, and wrists. Joint areas feel swollen, stiff, and tender, making moving hard and even everyday tasks become difficult.

The cause of arthritis can be related to age, because the older we get, the more worn down our joints become. Gender plays a role, as this condition is more common in women. Excess weight bears trouble to the joints. Damage to the joints from injuries can also cause arthritis. For example, an ACL tear to the knee can progress the onset of arthritis to that area much more quickly.

The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis has to do with cartilage. This is the cushion at the end of

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